Why Ignoring HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Will Cost You Time and Sales

Why Ignoring HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Will Cost You Time and Sales

The impact of ignoring of healthy lifestyle can be significant. When you ignore your health, you may be less productive and more likely to fall ill.

Here are some of the ways that ignoring a healthy lifestyle can affect your work life:

Decreased Productivity

When you ignore your health, it can impact your productivity and efficiency at work. If you are under-performing due to illness or poor nutrition, it will be harder for you to perform at your best when you return to work. A lack of sleep could also affect your ability to think clearly and make good decisions at work.

Increased Absenteeism

If you have a chronic illness or other health condition that affects your ability to work, then missing too many days from work could lead to dismissal from employment. If you miss too many days due to illness or poor nutrition, this could result in a poor review by your boss or supervisor which could negatively impact future opportunities for promotion or advancement within the company.

Decreased Overall Health and Well-Being

By ignoring a healthy lifestyle, it can increase the likelihood of developing other medical conditions such as heart disease.
